Is your closet in need of some help but you’re unsure where to start? Here are some closet tips...
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Role of a Personal Assistant
Wondering what all a personal assistant can help with or does? This blog post is meant to give a comprehensive (and realistic!) answer to questions like “what are personal assistant duties” or “what are a personal assistant’s responsibilities”. These are examples of duties Queen of To Do has done for clients, grouped together roughly by type.
This is where the vast majority of our time is spent, typically. And please, no need to feel any shame or embarrassment about the amount of dirty clothes, toys, trash/recycling, clutter, or any other stuff in your household. We’ve seen it all, from a 1500 sq ft bachelor pad to a 5000 sq ft family estate.
- Laundry
- Handwashing
- Stain treatment
- Air drying
- Laundry to exact specifications
- Gathering dirty clothes
- Washing/drying
- Folding clean clothes
- Putting away clean clothes
- Linen closet
- Organization
- Finding new folds that best fit the space (like for towels)
- Putting contact paper down
- Wiping down shelves/dusting
- Laundry area
- Organizing/making it functional
- Finding storage solutions if needed
- And implementing them
- Finding/shopping for new machines
- Or finding a repair tech for existing ones
- Meeting a tech for an appt
- Clothes
- Closet makeover
- Working with existing structure/space, exploring new ways of folding/storing the clothes (like Mario Kondo) to make them fit neatly
- Finding/working with a closet company to design/install new shelves/racks
- Reorganize an existing closet, shopping for/buying new closet organizational things (shelves, drawers, etc.)
- Implementing these systems, labeling the drawers, sorting by type
- Moving seasonal items to storage, swapping these out as appropriate
- Small sewing repairs (buttons, zipper fix, hemming, etc.)
- Larger sewing projects (sewing curtains, rip/tear repair)
- Custom sewing projects (depending on availability, inquire for more details)
- Dry cleaning drop off/pick up
- Using preferred cleaner or finding one to specifics, like eco-cleaning or someone great with traditional Indian clothes
- Finding a tailor/custom clothing maker, completing drop off/pick up
- Finding shoe or purse repair, drop off/pick up
- Finding (or doing) shoe polishing
- Ironing or steaming clothes at your home
- Finding a steam cleaner/cleaning specialist (like for wedding dress preservation)
- Pulling out too small/big clothes
- Or torn/stained kid clothes
- Outfit help (setting out kids’ school outfits)
- Styling help for an event (looking for a blue formal dress to buy)
- Kitchen
- Loading/unloading the dishwasher
- Hand washing delicate/fragile items
- Glass/stemware
- Baby bottles/pumping equipment
- Wooden utensils/cutting boards
- Wiping off cabinets/fridge/appliances with bleach or other cleaning products
- Reorganizing kitchen cabinets
- Working with existing storage solutions
- Sourcing new shelves/bins
- Installing and implementing these
- Pantry organizing
- Pulling out expired food
- Wiping down shelves and cans/jars, tidying
- Pulling out food with a certain ingredient (if the client is now Keto and wants all non-Keto food gone)
- Sourcing new storage solutions
- And installing them
- Fridge/freezer
- Organizing
- Cleaning out expired foods
- Buying bins/storage if needed, then installing them
- Wiping down inside of fridge
- Finding/booking repair tech
- Helping look for a new machine
- Picking up if needed, or organizing someone to move it
- Food/beverages
- Ingredient prep to be cooked with later (like chopping onions)
- Washing produce
- Making meals from recipes
- Helping the client go vegan/veg, gluten-free, keto, plant based, paleo, etc.
- Snack prep (like snack bags for a kid’s soccer team, or client snacks)
- Looking for recipes
- Looking for/booking a meal prep company or personal chef for a specialized diet/event
- Looking for a restaurant to specifics (finding a $$$ Italian restaurant in Boston, for example)
- Booking a reservation
- Grocery pickup
- Placing an order
- Finding the lowest cost for an ingredient online and ordering it
- Finding a specialty ingredient
- Shopping in store
- Putting away groceries
- Organizing pantry
- Pulling out expired foods
- Looking for a certain food appliance (i.e. a blender under $300)
- Picking up a beverage (coffee from specific place or liquor store)
- Making juice, smoothies, cold brew/coffee, or other beverages
- Grinding coffee beans
- Designing/making a coffee bar area
- Tidying up
- Picking up clothes/accessories/towels and putting them where they should be
- Picking up trash/recycling
- Emptying trash cans/recycling
- Re-fluffing pillows, folding blankets, “resetting” a seating area
- Opening packages/boxes/deliveries, putting things away
- Unpacking
- A bag from a trip
- Kids’ school bag
- Hospital bag
- Box from moving
- Packing! All of the above as well
- Putting electronics back on chargers (Switch, Apple watch, speaker, etc)
- Gathering up kids’ toys/games
- Sorting if needed for storage/organization
- Picking up dirty dishes
- Picking up pet toys/things
- Sorting through mail, pulling out obvious junk
- Shredding mail/documents
- Filing mail/received papers
- Opening curtains/blinds/windows
- Turning lights or fans off/on
- Putting books away
- Organizing them if wanted, by author’s last name or other specifics
- Finding new books based off the client’s preferences
- Organizing
- Closets
- Pantries/food storage
- Bathroom/medicine cabinets
- Garage/shed
- Shelves
- Toys/play areas
- Airbnb/short term rental
- House resetting (restocking soaps, setting out flowers, etc.,) anything in between clients
- Coordinating house cleaners or other techs that need to be let into the house
- Gathering mail/newspapers
- Making beds
- Laundry
- Garage
- Organization
- Sorting through things with the client, pulling out donations
- Finding new storage solutions
- And putting them in
- Holiday decor storage
- Making room for it
- Finding better storage options
- Arranging consultation for car lift or other large storage
- Arranging consultation for epoxy or other refinishing
- Garden/yard
- Plant maintenance
- Repotting
- Watering/fertilizing
- Trimming/pruning
- Light weeding
- Powerwashing (with client provided machine)
- Tidying (getting leaves/debris off chairs, using a leaf blower, picking up toys)
- Planning a garden bed
- Sourcing seeds/plants/bulbs
- Finding/booking/meeting a landscaper, tree trimmer, or other provider
- Event setup (tables, chairs, decorations)
- Bathroom
- Changing out towels
- Washing dirty ones if wanted
- Restocking toilet paper, soap, other toiletries
- Picking up bathtime toys
- Organization of products/linens
- Medicine cabinet organization
- Pulling out expired meds
- Wiping the cabinet out
- Looking for decor
- Towels, bathmats, etc., to a certain theme/color
- Installing some new small things: hanging a mirror, simple toilet repair, shower curtain
- Finding/booking/meeting a repair tech/plumber
- Kids
- PTA support
- Creating lists or other virtual tasks for the parent
- Packing lunches/snacks
- Packing school bags/overnight bags
- Creating baby registry for a new baby
- We know exactly what you do and don't need!
- Planning a party or event
- Finding a toy for a kid’s friend’s birthday
- Finding a very specific toy
- Looking online, in person pickup, etc
- Straightening up a room/playroom
- Booking camp or other kid events
- Kid room decor
- Looking within a theme
- Suggesting colors/ideas
- House sitting
- Watering plants
- Collecting mail/packages
- Taking trash/compost/recycling cans down/back up from the curb
- Grocery order pickup/delivery/unpacking
- Opening/closing blinds/curtains
- Changing bedding/running laundry
- Checking/forwarding phone messages
- Mailing forgotten items
- Miscellaneous
- Furniture assembly
- Finding lost items (a fresh set of eyes can be really helpful!)
- Pet care
- Walking a pet
- Playing with pets, giving them attention
- Brushing
- Pet sitting
- Litter changes, food/water replenishing, brushing, playing with them
- Taking donations to an animal shelter
- Building a cat wall
Some of our personal assistants come from event-heavy industries (such as the wedding industry) and would be absolutely delighted to be a part of your next event. Queen of To Do can help with the behind the scenes planning before the big day, staff your event, or assist with cleanup/teardown.
- Any part of the planning process:
- Creating guest/address list
- Making/printing address labels
- Designing/selecting invitations
- Stuffing/sealing envelopes
- Buying stamps
- Putting the stamps on
- Addressing cards with labels or by hand
- Following up with guests who haven’t RSVPed
- Re-addressing any invites if needed
- Researching/booking venues
- Picking a theme
- Finding decor
- Researching/booking other vendors
- Caterer, bartender, entertainment, etc.
- Registry creation
- Day of help
- Picking up food/decorations
- Setting up decorations/tables
- Heating up catering
- Serving catering, refilling when needed
- Staffing during the event (refills, picking up dirty dishes, etc.)
- Help after
- Picking up trash
- Straightening tables/chairs
- Taking out trash
- Returning rented items/clothes/duplicate gifts
- Thank you cards
- Any level of help/involvement from: picking out cards, writing them, stuffing/sealing envelopes, stamping, mailing
Small business/virtual support
We love small businesses, as we’re one ourselves! We also understand that working for (or especially running) your own business can be quite the headache. Figure out what can be delegated out, then send those tasks over to your virtual assistant.
- Calendar management
- making/adding appointments
- Email management
- Cleaning out an inbox
- Sorting emails to folders
- Responding to emails
- Researching a market and analyzing trends
- Making a list of competitors
- Paper/mail sorting and filing
- Social media support
- Making posts
- Approving comments/weeding out spam
- Taking pictures
- Scanning in documents
- Scanning in (or mailing out) old film photos to digitize them
- Or old cassette tapes, VHS tapes, home videos, etc
- Scheduling bills for online payment
- Finding a tradesperson or specific vendor
- Contacting them if wanted
- Booking any and all appointments: massage, doctor, nails, hair, etc.
- Travel support
- Looking at flight/transportation options
- Booking these
- Taking photo for a passport
- Mailing docs off
- Calling places (to change a flight or add on an option at the hotel)
- Hotel/lodging support
- Price comparison
- Booking
- Finding/booking restaurants/activities
- Finding a good guidebook for an area
- Pinning places of interest on a map
- Researching vaccines or health advisories for an area
- Booking with a doc if wanted
- Packing clothes/buying packing solutions (like packing organizers)
Having one of those days where you just don’t want to leave the house? No worries, we gotcha. We’ll (finally) drop off those donations that have been sitting by the front door for months, mail off all your Amazon returns, grab you lunch from your favorite tiny food truck, drop off your library books, and pick up more cat litter, all while you relax in the comfort of your home.
- Picking up food/drink from somewhere that’s not on food delivery apps
- Picking up a store pickup
- Medicine, clothes, etc.
- Packaging/mailing things
- Amazon or other returns
- Shopping in-store
- Dropping an item off at a friend’s house
- Driving somewhere to get an item
- Vehicle-related tasks
- Taking one to be serviced
- Oil change, or repairs
- Or detailed, at your home or at another location
- Filling gas tank
- Jumping battery if needed
- Taking jewelry/items to be repaired
- Picking it up after
- Seeing if a store has an item back in stock
- And/or looking for other ways to get that item
- Pet care
- Taking them to a vet appt/grooming
- Or picking up after an appt/procedure
- Library book return
- Donation dropoff
- At your charity of choice! And we’ll get a receipt if you want
- Consignment/pawning
- Taking items and selling them/dropping them off
- Going to multiple places to compare offers (if wanted)
- Taking photos for online listings
No matter what holidays you celebrate, chances are they get stressful occasionally. Queen of To Do is here to help! We love decorating and planning, and will make sure you have everything you need for the special day(s).
- Decor set up
- Christmas trees, lights, mantle with stockings, etc
- Shopping for gifts
- Wrapping gifts
- Card help (any level of involvement)
- Food/catering pickup
- Pulling decor out of storage
- Dusting the boxes/bins off
- Putting decor back into storage after the holidays
- Finding/booking exterior light setup
- Party/event help/planning
- Finding/buying costume
- Or finding someone to make a custom one
- Guest bedroom/bathroom set up
- Decluttering
- Restocking/making it look nice
- Organization
While this list contains many tasks we have done, it is not definite by any means! We pride ourselves on being able to tackle a wide range of problems and to think outside the box, so please get in touch with any questions. Even if we cannot provide the service you need, we can act as your liaison to get your project completed.
For almost all your household needs, errands, event or holiday help, or small business support, Queen of To Do is here for you. Contact us today to get started!